Palladio in Vicenza
Vicenza is the city where the genius of Andrea Palladio has most left his mark. Such was the fame of the famous architect that the families and institutions of Vicenza literally competed to entrust him with important projects, so that the city was made in his image and likeness.
For those who want to take a tour of Palladio's works, Vicenza is the ideal destination. Rely on a tourist guide to discover them all in an exciting guided itinerary.
From Verona, by car or by train, in half an hour you can reach Vicenza, the town of Palladio. It's like an open air architecture museum, with the masterpieces by Palladio, but also works by other Italian classic architects: Francesco Muttoni, Falconetto, Scamozzi, Antonio Piovene and many more. Together with a tourist guide, with a half day sightseeing tour, you'll get the most from your visit.
Info and Palldio Tours in Vicenza:
+39 333 2199 645 P.I. 03616420232 C.F. CPPMHL74L13L781C
Here are some proposals for Palladian itineraries in Vicenza. They are all half-day guided tours, with 2 or 3 hours duration, and can be combined for a full-day visit.
City Tour
- Half day
- Approx. 2h.
- Suggested entrance
- Teatro Olimpico.
- Whom is this tour for
- Who visits Vicenza for the first time: organized groups, individual visitors, school groups.
- Accessibility
- The basic itinerary has no major architectural barriers. Some areas inside the Teatro Olimpico are not accessible.
Piazza dei Signori
The heart of Palladian Vicenza is Piazza dei Signori, in the center of the city. It can be easily reached on foot.
The Basilica Palladiana
The square is dominated by the presence of the Basilica, the work that consecrated the genius of Palladio.
Andrea Palladio grouped the various public buildings that had sprung up disharmoniously on the square into a single, perfect, unitary project: the Basilica Palladiana. It amazed intellectuals and artists of the past and continues to fascinate visitors today with its monumental aromas.
Palazzo del Capitaniato

Situated opposite the Basilica, with which it should have formed a symmetrical unit on the two long sides of the square, the Loggia del Capitaniato marks the last period of Palladio's work. Unfinished, it remains imposing with its columns of giant order and shows us, together with the Basilica, two different periods in the development of Palladio's genius.
Corso Palladio
It is the street that runs through the entire historic center of Vicenza. At the ends and along Corso Palladio are some of Andrea Palladio's most important works and buildings associated with his history, such as his home in Vicenza.
Palazzo Chiericati
At one end of Corso Palladio, the city's main thoroughfare, is one of the great architect's most innovative works: Palazzo Chiericati. In it, Palladio subverts the usual order of full and empty spaces, creating the double loggia, open below and closed above.
Today, Palazzo Chiericati houses the Pinacoteca Civica in Vicenza.
Today, Palazzo Chiericati is home to the Pinacoteca Civica di Vicenza, which hosts major exhibitions.
The Teatro Olimpico
Not far away is the Teatro Olimpico, perhaps the most fascinating work of Andrea Palladio. The atmosphere that reigns in the Teatro Olimpico and by which you are enveloped as you sit on its tiers can hardly be described by words.
Designed in 1580, the Teatro Olimpico was Palladio's last work, created to host the shows of the Accademia Olimpica, of which Andrea himself was a member. It was finished by Scamozzi with a stage characterized by illusion of depth.
It was inaugurated in 1584 with the representation of Oedipus Rex by Sophocles.
The Urban Villas
- Half Day
- Approx 2h.
- Recommanded entrances
- Villa Rotonda and Villa Valmarana ai Nani.
- Whom is this tour for
- Those who visits Vicenza for the first time: organized groups, individual visitors, school groups.
- Accessibility
- Access to the interior has substantial barriers.
On the hills in the immediate vicinity of Vicenza, the "capital" of Venetian villas, the city of Palladio, there are two extraordinary architectural masterpieces: Villa Almerico Capra, the most iconic of the great architect's works, better known as La Rotonda, and Villa Valmarana ai Nani, the work of Francesco Muttoni, which represents the evolution of Palladio's "lesson" in the Veneto.
The villas are the exception in the panorama of Venetian villas, as they are not directly linked to an agricultural area, but were extra-urban residences of the noble families of Vicenza who sought peace and quiet here.
The villas are an exception in the panorama of Venetian villas, in that they are not directly linked to an agricultural territory, but were the extra-urban residences of noble Vicentine families who sought rest and peace here.
Villa Almerico Capra - La Rotonda
The Rotonda is considered the masterpiece of Andrea Palladio, perfect and symmetrical realization of the ideal of classicist harmony that the great architect had pursued throughout his artistic career.
The interiors are richly frescoed by Louis Dorigny.
Villa Valmarana ai Nani
Villa Valmarana ai Nani, by Francesco Muttoni, represents a phase in the architectural evolution of the villa after Palladio. The frescoes by Giovan Battista Tiepolo and his son Gian Domenico are a further masterpiece within the masterpiece. The villa takes its name from the 17 statues of dwarfs that decorate the surrounding wall. Legend has it that the villa was built in order not to let a dwarf princess know about her condition, she was locked up with her servants who were also dwarfs. One day, a prince, entered by chance in the villa. The princess immediately realized his condition, for the pain took his life throwing himself from a window of the villa. The dwarf servants, as a punishment for not being able to prevent the tragic event, were transformed into statues.
Santuario di Monte Berico
L'immediata periferia di Vicenza offre uno dei più iconici capolavori di Andrea Palladio: la Rotonda. A breve distanza vi è anche Villa Valmarana ai Nani,
Per maggiori dettagli riguardo gli itinerari per conoscere l'opera di Andrea Palladio a Vicenza, magari da abbinare a visite alle non lontante Ville Urbane, o per prenotare visite guidate:
Info and Bookings:
+39 333 2199 645 P.I. 03616420232 C.F. CPPMHL74L13L781C