
Since 1913 operatic performances have been given in the Arena of Verona in Summer, with more than 17.000 spectators enjoying the show every evening. Aida is in fact the most popular opera of Verona Festival, the only one performed every year.

Poster of Carmen

Info & Bookings:

+39 333 2199 645 P.I. 03616420232 C.F. CPPMHL74L13L781C

Author: Giuseppe Verdi
Libretto by Henri Meilhac and Ludovic Halévy after the novella by Prosper Mérimée
Première: 3rd March 1875, Paris (Opéra Comique)

Carmen, Opera in 4 acts

Act I

The setting is in Spain, Seville. The military guard is on duty. Carmen, a gypsy woman working at the tobacco factory is admired by all men for her beauty. She provokes the cool soldier Don José who is confused by Carmen's impudent sexuality but has to arrest her because she has injured another worker in a quarrel. She tempts him with the prospect of becoming her next lover. He lets her escape and is himself arrested.

Act II

After a month in prison Don José has been let out. Carmen, grateful, waits for him refusing Escamillo, a famous matador who is fascinated by Carmen. She sings and dance for her liberator. They are surprised by Liutenant Zuniga who is on Carmen's trail. Don José decide to join the gang of smugglers who help him and Carmen to escape.


But Carmen soon gets tired of Don José. When Escamillo comes looking for her Don José gets into knife fight. Carmen steps between them and Escamillo invites her to the next bullfight in Seville.

Act IV

The bullfight is a great popular occasion and a triumph for Escamillo. Carmen has become his bride, enjoying the applause of the Arena. Don José waits for Carmen at the entrance of the ring. She courageously approaches him and throws at his feet the ring he once gave her, tries to go past him but runs into his knife.

For further information on Verona operas, tickets, hotels or to book a guided sightseeing tour before the show please write at:

+39 333 2199 645 P.I. 03616420232 C.F. CPPMHL74L13L781C