Renaissance Verona

In 1405 Verona submitted to Venice authority, definitively loosing its independence and becoming, after the importance it had with the Scala family a marginal center in the Italian peninsula, without an elite able to give, with its patronage, guidelines to the arts.
The Renaissance arrived and developed with delays comparing with other central Italy towns, even if in Verona it had its own peculiarities. Various are the themes and issues that can ben developed, together with a tourist guide, in a didactic itinerary following the development stages of Renaissance in a typical Italian city at the end of the '400s.
The decline of the gothic style, and the first attempts to imitate the elements of the new style by local painters before the arrival of St Zeno altarpiece by Andrea Mantegna and the flowering of the followers of the great master from Padua: Benaglio, Morone, Girolamo dai LIbri, Bonsignori. A fascinating artistic itinerary in the Museum of Castelvecchio and in the splendid Veronese churches.
Renaissance architecture in Verona. From the first Renaissance palace of the Veneto: the wonderful Loggia del Consiglio, up to the palaces and monumental works of Michele Sanmicheli, Verona is a wonderful open air "Museum of Architecture", where the development of the Renaissance is inextricably linked to the roots and the abundant relics of the Roman Verona that become model and source of inspiration to many artists and architects.
Verona Urbs Picta. From the '500s, the walls of the palaces in Verona become "canvases" on which local painters and foreign masters, painted monumental frescos so that Verona was called "urbs picta": painted town. Still today, many of these works, in various state of preservation, may be seen in a coherent guided itinerary.

The life, the arts, the commerce of a city under the Serenissima: the monopolies and the mouths of the lion for secret denounces against their violations, the literary society, the birth of the Veronese Carnival, the institution of the ghetto.
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