Il ristorante (the restaurant), l'abergo (the hotel), il teatro (the theater ), la stazione (the station), il negozio (the shop), il bar (the bar), piazza Garibaldi (Garibaldi square), la posta (the post office), via Mazzini (Mazzini street), quella casa (that house), quel palazzo (that building), quella chiesa (that church), al semaforo (at the traffic light), all'incrocio (at the crossroard)
Sempre dritto (straight ahead), giri a destra (turn right ), giri a sinistra (turn left ), sulla destra (on the right), sulla sinistra (on the left), torni indietro (go back), accanto a --- (on --- side), vicino a --- (close to ---), questa strada (this road)
LET'S PRACTICE! Turist: Buongiorno, mi scusi (excuse me), dov'è la posta?
Tourist: Mi scusi, dov'è il bar?
Tourist: Mi scusi, dov'è l'hotel Milano?
Hai capito? Did you understand? Look at the picture, listen to the dialogue and try to answer the questions.
1. Where does she want to go? 2. Where does she have to go? 3. Where is the restaurant? Send the answers and you'll have them corrected:
Don't worry if you don't understand the answer when you are asking directions in Italy. Italians will make a great use of their famous gestures and will probably make you understand anyway.. |