Sanmicheli's Verona: Fortifications

Even if his buildings are scattered all over the old Venetian Republic possessions in the Meditterranean sea, is n Verona that Michele Sanmicheli left most of his projects.

Porta Nuova: are visible the alterations made by the Austrians after 1815. The winged lions symbol of Venice where destroyed by the blind fury of Napoleon army. Nowadays, together with the Italian and the EU flags, the yellow and blue Veronese one.
In Verona he started working in 1530, by building the walls and corner bastions on the right bank of the River Adige.
On the hill Sanmicheli fortified Castel San Felice.
As a town planner he designed two major avenues in Verona: Corso Porta Nuova and Corso Porta Palio and at the end of these two avenues he erected two maginifient city gates: the powerful Porta Nuova (1540) and Porta Palio (1557, "the most beautiful in Europ" accordind to Sforza Pallavicino, Governor and General of the Venetian Armies.
The military works of Michele Sanmicheli can be seen through a series of interesting guided itineraries along the city walls of Verona, its river and its hills. Itineraries that often makes you discover new landscapes and views over the town. Many of these fortification works, in spite of restorations and the creation of the Walls Park, are often covered by ivy and trees making them a romantic and adventurous taste.
For further information on Sanmicheli's tours and itineraries in Verona: